
services we offer

We offer a wide range of services for your specific project needs. Browse our services below and contact us with any questions you might have about your project and how we can help.

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what we do

Desert tortoise biologist records tortoise as part of wildlife survey

Authorized Biologists, Designated Biologists and Field Contact Representatives

Biologists with the proper certifications for the requirements of the job can be provided for short and long-term projects. Their responsibilities vary, but include: project oversight, daily reporting, and management of field staff. The are responsible for on-the-ground decision making and creative efforts in moving projects forward while fulfilling all project requirements. Other positions include: Compliance Inspection Contractors, biological monitors, Environmental Inspectors, and Environmental Compliance Monitors.


If you are in the need of tortoise training, or an all-encompassing Worker Environmental Awareness Program, Bio Logical can meet that need. When a biologist is required simply to give a project start tailboard talk, or a daily project specific power point presentation, Bio Logical can provide that service à la carte, or as a part of a larger monitoring protocol.

Desert tortoise biologist records tortoise as part of nature survey
Desert tortoise recorded as part of habitat regulation assessment

Desert Tortoise Consultations

From planning and design, site visits, and coordination meetings to biological opinion implementation, Bio Logical can make sense of your requirements and determine the best way to fit project requirements into your existing schedule.

Learn what Desert Tortoise Biologists Do

Desert Tortoise Presence/Absences Surveys & Clearances

Bio Logical can provide the data needed for Environmental Impact Statements (EIS), Biological Resources Technical Reports (BRTR), Biological Assessments (BA) and Biological Opinions (BO).

Electric cables installed following pre-construction survey and natural hazard assessment
Authorized biologist conducts baseline survey

Biological Assessments/ Technical reports

Bio Logical can compile data from preliminary surveys or construction monitoring to provide technical reports on species, mitigation measures, progress and final reports. Additionally, our team can produce Biological Assessments for small-scale projects.


Bio Logical works to both monitor and oversee restoration efforts associated with the completion of construction, as well as decommissioning.

Mojave desert captured as part of pre-construction survey
Equipment used by environmental biologists to conduct habitat assessment

Biological Monitoring

Our team is qualified and flexible, working with management as well as crews on the ground. Proper planning can help to facilitate construction needs and prevent slowdowns.

Burrowing Owl and Other Specialized Species mitigation

Whether observation, avoidance or passive relocation are permitted, Bio Logical can assist you in mitigating for burrowing owls, as well as other special status species such as desert kit fox or desert big horn sheep, among others.

Desert owl recorded in habitat assesment
Desert tortise measured by authorized biologist before wild animal relocation

Desert tortoise health, transmittering and post translocation monitoring

Requirements vary by project, and may include a variety of specialized services.

Avian and Raptor Surveys

Team members familiar with the survey methodology of the USFWS and state agencies are capable of conducting a variety of surveys, including avian point counts, raptor and migratory bird surveys and nest monitoring in accordance with the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and individual project requirements.

Owl approaches landing, recorded in owl survey
Crow stands in Mojave Desert as part of migratory bird survey

Raven Management

Bio Logical staff is able to provide an adequate record of compliance for your project by providing biologists and taking detailed records of the project mitigation measures in action. In addition, our knowledgeable team will ensure that mitigation measures are not overlooked.

Agency Coordination

Bio Logical offers assistance in planning and understanding your project documents and requirements, including round table discussions with US Fish and Wildlife Service, BLM and state agencies to assist in determining the best plan forward to minimize cost while meeting all project conditions.

Environmental consultation firm discusses wildlife surveys
Mojave Desert scrub

Noxious/Invasive Weed Surveys and Management Plans

We can conduct preplanning surveys, maintenance mitigations, post construction surveys and weed management plans, as well as mechanical excavation.

Succulent Surveys & Inventory

We can administer small-scale relocation, large-scale monitoring and nursery oversight.

Cactus flower close up

Do You Have Any Questions About How We Can Help?

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